50 Images of Ancient Megaliths And Perfectly Shaped Stones That Defy Logic

3 months ago 66

It is not a mystery that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures around the globe had the ability to somehow move supermassive blocks of stone with extreme facility.

Despite lacking ‘modern tools’ to do so, it is a well-known historic fact that cultures had the ability to move rocks of up to 1,000 tons, and transport them from their quarries to their final resting places, in temples, pyramids, and other monuments.

And while we still can’t figure out the how, we continue searching our planet discovering incredible ancient sites that are the ultimate proof that we still don’t know everything about our ancestors.

In this article, I’ve gathered a number of images from different archaeological sites across the globe that show the sheer number of megaliths quarried and moved by mankind thousands of years ago.

In addition to the fact that they quarried and transported stones up to one thousand tons, the ancients were also very gifted designers and engineers.

Some stones, like those found at the Khafre Valley Temple in Egypt, feature incredibly precise cuts and stones put together in such a way that every stone fits perfectly to the next one.

The most amazing thing perhaps is the fact that all of this was achieved without the use of mortar.

And curiously, if we compare the images of temples in Egypt to images of monuments in Bolivia or Peru; like Puma Punku, Sacsayhuaman, or even Ollantaytambo, we will notice an incredible similarity between the stones in South America and those in Africa.

It is almost as if these cultures used the same technique, the same technology, and the same principles thousands of years ago.

The only question that remains is, what were these techniques? What was the technology they used?

Where is it now? And why have we not found any evidence of it despite tedious archaeological work?

So, ask yourself after seeing these images; Did the ancients achieve all of this using sticks and stones?

Or, is there a slight possibility that we still have not figured out everything about ancient civilizations that lived on Earth thousands of years ago, and that somewhere out there the final piece of the puzzle remains to be found?

The valley temple of KhafreThe valley temple of Khafre, on the bottom of the causeway from the Sphinx to the Great Pyramid. Check out the massive stones and their perfectly-polished surface. Image Credit: Shutterstock The stones of the Valley Temple.These mesmerizing engineering skills have allowed the mortar-free facing to remain in position for thousands of years after the temple was built. How did they achieve this type of precision, thousands of years ago? Image Credit: Keith Payne. Another view of the stones at the Khafre Valley TempleKhafre valley temple statue sockets. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons Image of the interior of the Valley Temple in Egypt.The interior of the temple features stones that appear as if they were ‘bent’ by the builders. Image Credit: Keith Payne. A view of the stones at the Valley templeTwo composite images of the Valley Temple. Shutterstock Temple of the Sun, Machu PicchuAn image of the Temple of the Sun, Machu Picchu, Peru. Notice the incredible details of this structure. Again, not a single sheet of can fit in-between the rocks. Incan stoneworkIncan stonework, Palace of Inca Roca, Cuzco, Peru. Another example of extreme precision. Not a single sheet of paper fits between the rocks. Some of them look as if they were ‘fused’ together. Coricancha Peru StoneworkFeatures of the Coricancha Temple in Peru. Image Credit: Shutterstock Coricancha FeaturedA compilation of images from the Coricancha temple. Coricancha templeAnother incredible image of the Coricancha temple stones. Polygonal masonry Inca brickPolygonal masonry Inca brick at Coricancha. Image Credit: Shutterstock The Stones at the Coricancha templeThe Stones at the Coricancha temple fit in perfectly like a Puzzle. Coricancha temple stonesHow did the ancients achieve such precision? Image Credit: Shutterstock A stone at Puma PunkuThis stone at Puma Punku features details that almost seem as if they were created using laser tools. The Stones at Puma PunkuThe Stones at Puma Punku are an incredible feat of ancient engineering. H Blocks At Puma PunkuThe famous H blocks at Puma Punku, Their purpose remains a mystery. Another stone block at puma punkuAnother perfectly-carved stone block at Puma Punku. A set of stones at Puma Punku. The purpose of the stones at Puma Punku remains a mystery. One of the H Blocks at Puma Punku.One of the H Blocks at Puma Punku. Stones at Ollantaytambo.The stones at Ollantaytambo appeared to be glued together. They fit perfectly like a puzzle. Image by: Barry Everett‎ Stones at OllantaytamboAncient Perfection. Image by: Barry Everett‎ Stones at Ollantaytambo.Stones at Ollantaytambo. Not only are the stones at Ollantaytambo, they appear to be fused. Image by: Barry Everett‎ Amazing stonework at OllantaytamboHow did the ancients achieve this perfection? Image by: Barry Everett‎ Stones at Ollantaytambo.Puzzle stones. Not a single piece of paper fits between the stones, Image by Barry Everett Perfect stones at Ollantaytambo. How on Earth did the ancient builders achieve this type of perfection without the use of modern technology? Image by: Barry Everett‎ Stones at OllantaytamboSome of the stones feature mysterious ‘knobs’. Image by: Eduardo Pi Peret Photography  Barry Everett‎These are some of the largest stones at Ollantaytambo. Image by: Barry Everett‎ Carved stones at Ollantaytambo.How were these stones carved? Image by: marlandc.com Stone arch at Ollantaytambo Talk about PRECISION. Ollantaytambo.   PinterestA closeup of the massive blocks of stone at Ollantaytambo. Image credit: Pinterest Stones at Ollantaytambo.Image Credit: Woanderssein.com Another striking image of the stones at Ollantaytambo.Another striking image of the stones at Ollantaytambo. Image by: Barry Everett‎ Sacsayhuaman 3Stones at Sacsayhuaman. Sacsayhuaman 4Incredible stones at Sacsayhuaman. SacsayhuamanSacsayhuaman: notice how well the ancients managed to place the structures. Such precision is incredible. Walls of SacsayhuamanWalls of Sacsayhuaman The construction of Sacsayhuamán remains a profound mystery for researchers who have failed to understand how ancient people managed to quarry, transport and place these megalithic stones.The construction of Sacsayhuamán remains a profound mystery for researchers who have failed to understand how ancient people managed to quarry, transport and place these megalithic stones. Comparison of stones between Inca and Pre Inca Masonry and EgyptA perfect example of what we are trying to describe in this article. Image by Richard Cassaro. Comparison between Inca and Egyptian MasonryAnother example by Richard Cassaro. Comparison between Inca and Egyptian stone designNotice the similarity between the stones. Image Credit: Richard Cassaro. "the Inca´s face"By rotating the image of Macchu Picchu we get a really nice feature. This is what the people in Cuzco call “the Inca´s face”. Maybe everything was built, carved and placed in its current position for a specific reason. An old image of the Colossi of MemnonIn this image, you can see the side panel from one of the Colossi of Memnon, the last remaining structures from the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III, known as Kom el-Hetan. The image was taken around 1900. An old image of the Ramesseum.An old image of the Ramesseum. Experts have calculated that the Ramesseum had an approximate weight of 1,000 tons. An old image of the megaliths at Baalbek in Lebanon.One of the best images of the 1200-ton block of stone at Baalbek. An image of the stones at BaalbekThe Stones at Baalbek are monstrously large. An image of the massive Sarcophagi at the Serappeum of Saqqara.An image of the massive Sarcophagi at the Serapeum of Saqqara. The Sarcophagi at the Serapeum of Saqqara. The Sarcophagi at the Serapeum of Saqqara. The Sarcophagi at the Serapeum of Saqqara. Smooth as glass stone boxes precisely cut weighing 100 tons, underground in the Serapeum, Saqqara Massive Sarcophagi at the Serapeum of SaqqaraNot only are the sarcophagi massive, they are also perfectly polished. The Osirion TempleThe Osirion Temple. Image Credit: Shutterstock
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