How can we explain so many cultural and architectural similarities among ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs, Ancient Egyptians, Incas, and many others? If these ancient civilizations weren’t interconnected in some way or another, how is it possible that even though they were separated by great distances, their lifestyle and culture developed in extremely similar manners?
How is it possible that the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Pre-Inca cultures developed on opposite sides on the globe yet mysteriously share so many similarities? Not only am I referring to architecture and symbolism, we can easily include religion and science into the list of shocking similarities that are not only being ignored by mainstream Scholars, they are even being repressed, as if a giant cover up in ancient history is occurring behind our backs.
Even though separated by thousands of kilometers and even though mainstream scholars say ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Aztecs never came into contact, they share so many similarities which cannot be explained by the traditional methodology used by mainstream scholars.
How can we explain these striking similarities? Well, either ancient civilizations were interconnected and came into contact with each other in the past, or a long-lost mother culture predates all of the ancient civilizations on Earth, and it is from this mother culture that ancient civilization such as the Aztecs and Egyptians inherited their knowledge from.
What if in the distant past, before history as we know it, an ancient mother culture inhabited our planet? This ancestral culture, known today as the ancestral mother culture, was responsible for the striking similarity of ancient art, architecture, symbolism, mythology, religion and scientific knowledge between ancient civilizations such as the Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Aztecs and Maya among others.
What if Atlantis predates all of the above cultures and it is the Atlantean the responsible culture through which we can explain the striking similarities of worldwide cultures? The mind boggling similarities that link the Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Maya, Inca and Pre Inca are countless, and we have to start taking into account the possibility that such ‘mother culture’ existed in the past and predated all ancestral civilizations. This however would mean that history as we know it today is only partial, incomplete and points to the fact that human beings are in fact, a species with amnesia.
While today’s scholars reject the notion that a mother culture existed on Earth in the distant past, and reject with even greater notion the idea of Atlantis and that it was a mother culture to ancient civilizations across the world, there are many indicators that cannot be overlooked while studying ancient civilizations around the globe.
Richard Cassaro, author of the book ‘Written in Stone‘ is perhaps one of the best to explain the idea of a mother culture predating ancient civilizations around the world. His research has been continuous and backed up by facts he managed to pick up while researching the connection present between some of the most incredible ancient civilizations on Earth: the Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs and Pre-Inca/Inca:
Cassaro makes interesting points by comparing the following:
Both the Ancient Egyptians and the Inca/Pre-Inca erected some of the most incredible Pyramids ever seen on the face of the planet. They erected stepped pyramids in the desert along rivers while precisely aligning their structures to cardinal points.
Megalithic Architecture
Somehow, in the distant past, the ancient Egyptians, Incas and Pre-Incas managed to erect some of the most massive temples ever discovered on Earth. These ancient cultures were able to transport boulders that weigh over 10 tons with such ease that engineers today have a hard time figuring out how the ancients did it thousands of years ago.
Stonemasonry, a connection that cannot be overlooked
Both the Ancient Egyptians and the Inca/Pre-Inca had extremely similar building styles, some will venture out and say nearly identical. Cassaro states that the ancient cultures built very similar looking stone masonry, even down to the detail of carving bulges or “bumps” in the stones. How can this be explained?
Earthquake-Proof Temples
Cassaro notes that the Ancient Egyptians, Inca and Pre-Inca built Earthquake-proof buildings in the distant past, using the same inward slant design, which has proven to withstand the test of time.
Unmatched Precision Stonework
Both the Ancient Egyptians and the Inca/Pre-Inca created incredible stones with precision cuts that match our very own capabilities today. The precision present in some of these construction is so elaborate that not a single piece of paper can fit between the stones. It is important to mention that in many cases no mortar was used. Cassaro believes that this symbolizes the quest to gain perfection, or nearness to perfection, which leads one closer to our spiritual and heavenly home and eternal source.
Trapezoidal doorways, a feature that cannot be overlooked
Interestingly these ancient civilizations also built nearly identical trapezoidal doorways, which according to Cassaro signify spiritual advancement upward. The trapezoid doorway is closely related with ascension and spiritual transcendence and is used by numerous ancient cultures, not only the Pre-Inca, Inca and Ancient Egyptians. Richard Cassaro writes: “It relates a kind of futuristic state of humanity that occurred in the distant past, when people were calm and had attained nirvana; this doorway is the symbol of the high wisdom once possessed by our ancient ancestors.”
Master Craftsmanship present in ancient cultures
We cannot overlook the incredible craftsmanship present in ancient monuments of the ancient Egyptians, Pre-Inca and Inca. These features remain as some of the greatest enigmas to mainstream scholars.
Elaborate temples with incredible similarities
We can find incredibly elaborate temples in the ancient Egyptian cultures and Inca and Pre-Inca. The similarities that these temples share is something that historians and mainstream scholars should not overlook so easily.
“Triptych” Three-Door Temples
According to Cassaro, the “Triptych” Three-Door Temples indicate the same religion. The Ancient Egytians, Inca and Pre-Inca built the same identical Triptych temples. However, the Triptych design is a worldwide architectural phenomenon that can be found in many other ancient cultures around the globe. Cassaro explains it in the following way:
“The religion is based on the same “balance of opposites” formula described above. The twin outer doors symbolize opposites (the left-side / right-side of our lower temporary self) while the middle door symbolizes the central point of eternity (the centered higher eternal Self).
Triptych Temples were later inherited by the Gothic cathedral builders, the Freemasons.”
Solar Religion
Many ancient cultures around the globe used the Solar Symbolism as a crucial part of their religion. If we look back at Ancient Egypt we will find the solar deity was Ra. In Peru, the solar deity was referred to as Inti.
Cassaro writes:
“In both cultures, you are the solar deity; the sun is a symbol of you, of your soul. You are a sol. You are an eternal divine sun. You have voluntarily Incarnated in matter, but now have amnesia of your true spiritual Self, you’ve lost your way home.”
While the list of similarities is much larger, I have decided to point out only a few that I find beyond fascinating. I believe the above details are enough to kick-start the readers imagination and inner explorer spirit. The similarities mentioned are incredible and reassure that the human species is in fact, a species with amnesia.
Neither the Ancient Aztecs, Egyptians, Inca, and Pre-Inca were in contact with each other, yet somehow, they shared so many identical details that mainstream scholars have failed to acknowledge.
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