Is There a Connection Between Petroglyphs in Georgia and Bronze Age Europe?

3 months ago 96

Petroglyphs found in Georgia show a possible connection between some of the earliest archaeological sites in the United States and Bronze Age Europe.

Symbols found etched into stone are remarkably similar. At one ancient site in Savannah, Georgia, some also point to possible connections with the Mesoamericans. Nevertheless, today, those sites are obscure and, in one case, merely relegated to the side of a desolate highway overpass.

The Uchee or Yuchi Tribe

The Uchee (also spelled Euchee, Outchee, Uchi, or Yuchee), Creek, and Seminole tribes that created these sites long ago were uprooted and all-but-destroyed when Europeans arrived in the late 1600s. The name the Uchee gave themselves was Tsoyaha or Coyaha, “Children of the Sun.” 

These Native Americans spoke a unique language unrelated to any other, which is endangered today. However, remaining ancestors are working to restore their heritage before it’s lost forever.

# 787 We celebrate the Tsoyaha Yudgiha for many reasons… Today, they are a very much forgotten Indigenous people that…

Posted by Yuchi (Tsoyaha) Indigenous People on Wednesday, October 7, 2020

One of those ancestors is Richard L. Thornton, who describes himself as an author, architect, and city planner with Creek and Uchee Indian heritage. Thornton is the architect for Oklahoma’s Trail of Tears Memorial in Tulsa.  

The Home of the Sun

Thornton points out that the Uchee believe their ancestors were from across the ocean. 

“Since their first contacts with the Georgia colonists in 1733, the Uchee have consistently stated that their ancestors came across the Atlantic Ocean from the “home of the sun” and first landed at the mouth of the Savannah River,” writes Thornton.

If true, his theories mean that the Uchee descended from people living some 4,600 miles across the Atlantic.

Signs Almost Forgotten 

After studying the petroglyphs and ancient sites, Thornton believes ancient mariners from Scandinavia traveled to Georgia thousand of years ago. In the pursuit of gold in the Georgia Gold Belt, they interacted with Native people, leaving behind signs. Signs they left behind:

Language similarities Cultural symbols Petroglyphs Burial mounds Other ancient sites

For example, Thornton suggests the Tugaloo River’s name may have been derived from the Gaelic word, Togha-re, meaning “Best, Great, or Principal People.” In Creek Indian, the similar word, Tokahle, means “freckled.” Afterward, the 18th century Cherokee version, Dagalu, became the one that is recognized.

Ruins of Ancient Culture

 Pioneering archaeologist Charles C. Jones Jr. described the ancient sites in the Southern US in his book, The Antiquities of the Southern Indians. The book was published in 1873.

Jones described the sites that English-speaking settlers found when they arrived in the south.

“When English-speaking settlers came into the Georgia Piedmont and Mountains, they also encountered many stone structures throughout the landscape. There were many stone-walled terraces, stone altars, and even the ruins of ancient stone buildings.”

However, within a generation, the mysterious structures were gone and almost forgotten. Thinking the Native Americans primitive, they believed the structures were the Spanish or Welsh Prince Madoc’s work. 

See more in the video from People of One Fire below:

Petroglyphs Pointing to Far Away

Previously, we shared Thornton’s story about 4,000-year-old petroglyphs found in Georgia. While studying in Landskrona, Sweden, Thornton was shocked when he recognized symbols on Ven Island, Sweden. 

Although mainstream archaeologists may quickly call it pseudo-archaeology, we share it with our open minds for your consideration.

Bronze Age petroglyphs in Sweden featured the symbol of the Sacred Fire by the Creek and Uchee. Also, the Swedish burial mounds called gravhöger looked like the burial mounds in the Southeastern US and Ohio.

“I immediately noticed that all of the symbols on the boulders were also sacred symbols of the Creek Indians. I am Creek. This disturbing discovery has been at “the back of my head” in the decades since then,” he wrote.

At first, he avoided discussing the similarity between Scandinavian Bronze Age and Creek art. However, after many years of contemplation, he began actively researching the subject. From there, he began sharing what he found on the “People of One Fire” YouTube channel and “The Americas Revealed” site.

Shared Petroglyph Symbols 

One example of the petroglyphs is concentric circles, like ripples in water. According to Thornton, these ripples were considered time portals by Uchee priests.

By looking at them, the priests could determine the past and the future. Notably, these symbols are seen all over the world, with some similar ones dating back 40,000 years. However, they also closely resemble Newgrange’s spirals in Ireland, dating back to 3,300-2,900 BC.

Thornton points out the ripples from the Reinhardt Boulder in Georgia are identical to those found in County Kerry, Ireland. In addition, he found symbols of stars, hexagons, and the Solar Cross called a Sun Wheel in Europe.

To us, it calls to mind the “Camunion Rose” from Lombardy, Italy.

The Metcalf Stone

The Metcalf Stone found in central Georgia near the Chattahoochee River bears symbols resembling the Linear A script. However, that language originated in the Minoan civilization from Crete during the Bronze Age. 

Dr. Joseph Mahan from Columbus State University theorized the Creek were descendants of people from Crete. Many critics discredited the finding as “bad archaeology.” However, take a look for yourself and decide what you think.

See more about the Metcalf Stone via People Of One Fire:

Track Rock Gap Petroglyphs

Located in Blairsville, GA, the Track Rock Gap site is quick to point out there is “no archeological evidence of any Mayan connection.” Thornton is quick to point out that most of the glyphs are not Mayan. However, he discovered symbols that resembling Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec/ Mayan God on Boulder Six.

On other boulders, he saw many symbols that reminded him of Scandinavian Bronze Age symbols. 

The Tugaloo Stone

At the rear of the Traveler’s Rest State Historic Site, the Tugaloo Stone features an unmistakable boat. Originally the stone was located near the Tugaloo River on a major trade path. Thornton notes the stone was moved and place upside down for over 200 years. 

When rotated, the Tugaloo Stone features what looks identical to Bronze Age Minoan and Phoenician boats. On the other side, symbols that appear to be constellations and a UFO appears.

See the petroglyphs below via People of One Fire:

Morgan Falls Stone Boat

The Morgan Falls Archaeological Zone is found East of Roswell, Georgia, on the Chattahoochee River. There, a large stone boat burial monument resembles those found in Scandinavia. (see in the video)

The Roberts Petroglyph

At the Sweetwater Creek State Park in Lithia Springs, Georgia, a 600-pound stela (carved monument) features a striking figure. Named the Roberts Petroglyph, the stela exactly resembles a Caribbean Taíno(Arawak) zemí spirit symbol.

Mow Hill Petroglyph

At Long Swamp Creek, east of Jasper, Georgia, archaeologist Robert Wauchope found an unusual petroglyph in 1939. To us, it seems to resemble a UFO, but Thornton notes it may resemble an Itzamná calendar, with notches like a sundial.

Bilbo Mound, Savannah, Georgia

Today, sites that could date back to 3545 BC are found near downtown Savannah, Georgia. The oldest of these, the Bilbo Mound, is now all-but-forgotten. From the air, Google Earth photos show that it could be a geoglyph seen from the air, similar to Serpent Mound, Ohio. Notably, the design seems to point to a Mesoamerican Rain Goddess.

See more about the Bilbo Mound below from the Looters Revue Show:

Seeing Ancient Sites with New Eyes ?

These are just a few of the sites that Thornton and People of One Fire have researched. Certainly, there is more to the story than meets the eye. These ancient sites and petroglyphs deserve new eyes to see them without restrictions imposed by conventional timelines, don’t you think?

Ancient cultures give us invaluable insights, and we are only just beginning to fully understand and reconcile with our past. We hope that modern archaeologists and researchers will do more to preserve and understand Uchee sites like those in Georgia.

Featured images: Screenshots via YouTube, People of One Fire

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